Monday, March 19, 2007

Magic Monday

i sure missed my little monster this weekend so we decided that since mommy is on spring break, caden should at least get to stay home today as well. we have had fun but boy i am a tired cookie today! i woke him up at 7:30--yes you read that right, I woke him up, because i thought he was breathing kind of funny and whimpering so i needed to see if it stopped when he was awake. it did so then i of course tried to convince him to go back to sleep but he wasn't having anything to do with that!! so we have played, and watched a movie, and played some more! he is such a joy and he makes me laugh so much! so, we've stayed in our pj's and just been hanging out. he's not going to my parent's house tonight like usual because they had her appt with a osteoporosis specialist at ku med this afternoon. looking forward to what they have to say. she thinks she may have at least bruised, if not broken, a rib running into the counter downstairs so they really do need to get her started on some kind of regimen! tonight--nothing too exciting going on either. just hanging out with my husband and my baby, but tomorrow tammi asked me to go to topeka with her to pick out some spring/summer clothes so how can a girl turn that down??

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