Saturday, March 31, 2007

Birthday Party Day

It was a windy, cloudy, and downright cold at times day in the park, but we had a good time and enjoyed ourselves and Caden's party anyway. He got lots of great presents (thanks to you all), and spent the last hour or so running and playing with his cousins, grandpa tom, uncle randy "the great", and daddy. Over all, it was a success, though I think next year, we'll plan for an indoor party just in case!! "Bog and Papa", my mother and father-in-law, spent the evening and night with us last night, so they got some special one-on-one time with their only grandson. I think they had a great time. We love it when they visit so we want to make sure it's fun so they keep on coming back!! When in Greece....IN LESS THAN 2 MONTHS.....i think caden is going to spend some time at their house in sedan. it'll be fun times for them, but lonely nights for daddy!!! we'll see how long he lasts (daddy that is)!! Well, we've had a day full of festivities and fun so it's time to hit the sack jack......oh yea, and those of you who are loyal http://HunnasHappenings readers, be sure to stay tuned to hear about the new little man in Jess's life!!! I can't wait to meet him tomorrow!! Till then...goodnight

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