Saturday, March 31, 2007

Birthday Party Day

It was a windy, cloudy, and downright cold at times day in the park, but we had a good time and enjoyed ourselves and Caden's party anyway. He got lots of great presents (thanks to you all), and spent the last hour or so running and playing with his cousins, grandpa tom, uncle randy "the great", and daddy. Over all, it was a success, though I think next year, we'll plan for an indoor party just in case!! "Bog and Papa", my mother and father-in-law, spent the evening and night with us last night, so they got some special one-on-one time with their only grandson. I think they had a great time. We love it when they visit so we want to make sure it's fun so they keep on coming back!! When in Greece....IN LESS THAN 2 MONTHS.....i think caden is going to spend some time at their house in sedan. it'll be fun times for them, but lonely nights for daddy!!! we'll see how long he lasts (daddy that is)!! Well, we've had a day full of festivities and fun so it's time to hit the sack jack......oh yea, and those of you who are loyal http://HunnasHappenings readers, be sure to stay tuned to hear about the new little man in Jess's life!!! I can't wait to meet him tomorrow!! Till then...goodnight

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Caden's Special Day

in 77 minutes, it will be exactly 3 years since our little miracle boy made his way into this world. 9:16pm was the magic moment. i really can't believe that it's already been 3 years since this sweet boy met us face to face for the very first time!! it just goes so fast!! i am trying to cherish every moment but they seem to be slipping away so quickly!! we have had a great day!! a cute story...last night, chris and i were telling caden that today was his birthday and he was going to be 3 years old. he kept saying "no mommy, me 2" so we of course said that he was right and that he was 2 but when he woke up in the morning, it would be his birthday and he would be 3. so we went to bed and this morning when he woke up, i asked him if he knew what today was? he said "yes mommy, it's my birthday!" and i said "yes and how old are you today?" and he said "3 mommy" and held up his 3 little fingers!! such a smarty pants!! we have had a nice night. picked him up after class at 4 and daddy and gigi had put together his swing set so i made sure that he didn't go to the back yard. when daddy got home, we gave him one of those little plastic bowling balls and pins games....we've been to a couple of bowling parties so we thought we'd practice!! he loved it and we played for quite a while. then, grammy/nemo and gigi called and asked if caden could come out and play so we let him go outside and see his swing set!! they tied a big bundle of balloons to it too! and caden was so excited that he took off running as fast as he could, right past nemo and gigi and the swing set all the way to the fence and back!! it was so funny!! then he immediately started going round and round up and down the slide!! he tried both swings, the trapeze thing, and the teeter totter. he's going to have such a fun time playing on it this spring and summer. thankfully, the weather cooperated enough to have the sun shining and be dry from about 3-6 so it was perfect timing! then we ate pizza (one of caden's favorites), had STRAWBERRY "scoobie-doobie" cake per caden's request, and opened the rest of his presents. i ordered him this huge inflatable soccer ball with a little help from one of jess's catalogs. it cost me about $5 i think and i really think it might be his favorite toy!! it is fun. he also got a musical thomas the train, some ku clothes, a couple other shirts, and 2 pairs of swimming trunks (thomas is 1 of them of course!) and this hot wheels race car track that you try and crash the cars as they go through the loop! pretty neat and we've had fun playing that. chris also got him a baseball bat/ball that is soft enough to be used indoors. grandpa tom brought over his present....a box full of rolled "spare change" that he had been saving. it's for the "hot rod fund" and the box is so heavy i can't lift it!! it's quite a large sum of money!! so, caden officially has more money in his saving account (or he will following this deposit) than chris or i either one!! all in all, a very good day...i'm going to go and spend some more time with my sweet boy now!! SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY CADEN MONTGOMERY WILSON!!

Monday, March 26, 2007


Yet again, here i am playing catch up!! it was a very busy weekend! i worked at Diamonds by Design on friday and saturday. then yesterday, caden and i, mom & dad, and courtney & kaylee, all left early sunday morning for kansas city, to attend courtney's best childhood friend's baby shower. we grew up with sasha and her mom julie just down the street and at chris and i's wedding, sasha told my dad that she always pretended that he was her dad so he felt it was important that he see her during her pregnancy. she is due april 25--which happens to be my niece, kaylee's birthday! funny how things work out that way. things were fine with courtney and i and the kids who were in my jeep--but sure got hairy whenever we were with my parents!! i don't know what that's about really, but my blood pressure sure shot up while shopping at target and at lunch! CRAZY is all i have to say about that i think. got home around 8pm i think and was sure tuckered out!!
today was a GREAT day other than having to go back to school! I'M SO READY FOR SUMMER!! having said that, some great things happened at school so it wasn't all bad!! i was taking an advanced dysrhythmias class from 4-6, making my monday's at school be 1-6pm. well, it is an elective course that just started before spring break, so i decided that i was no longer interested in taking this class! me and about 5 others i think! so i dropped it! that makes my day again 1-4. then i signed up to enroll for next semester and asked my advisor if she thought it would be possible to get out taking the very dreaded research class. she told me to go and talk to dr. calhoun-the chair of the dept--and professor for that class so very nervously, i approached her. SHE AGREED that my undergraduate and graduate research class would suffice and to have dr. wendling substitute my undergraduate research class for this one!!! I AM SO HAPPY!! that is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders!! it is a class that take a tremendous amount of time outside of class and requires a big research project and presentation--all of which i despise!! so yea for me!!!
i had also been waiting on a check in the mail for some time now and finally received it today so now i have some money!!! so much less stress!! so, that's my day!!
tomorrow i am enrolling in the morning and then going to topeka to interview at the diamonds by design store there so that i will be able to work some hours there especially this summer and get more hours in. i'd actually be quite content only working at the one here---and i do love it!! seriously...they are paying me to shop for jewelry, help others pick out beautiful jewels, and play with loose stones to come up with new designs!! a little bit of heaven!! so tomorrow i'm doing that and then spending the night with my cousin shelby so i'll already be in topeka for my clinical wednesday!! then thursday is caden's big boy 3 year old birthday!!! i can hardly believe it!!! so, i'm signing off for a couple of's entirely possible that i may go into withdrawl from not having a computer near me, but i'll try and work something out!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Caden's 3 year check-up!

this boy is so good!! i really mean it!! he did exactly what the dr tells him and cooperates fully!! no crying, no fighting, nothing. just cool, calm, and collected!! even when he made him gag, i thought for sure he'd cry then but nope!! the dr said that usually by the end of the exam, the 3 year olds are in tears, but by 4 they are usually more cooperative so he thought caden did great. of course, since mommy practices things on him all the time, that helps!! such a good boy!! the dr said he is doing great all around. i feel like he should weigh a little more...29lbs and 36inches, but the dr said that this was just fine and not to worry about it a bit. i asked about him not really eating much, and he said that they don't usually at his age and unless he is way skinny, he's fine. and as we all know, a kid a little on the thin side is better than the other way. guess he really is taking after his daddy in that department!! and that's good. i had to get a hepatitis-a shot for my upcoming trip to greece, so i had caden come around so he could see, you know to be a good model for shot-taking, and i thought he was going to cry!! his little eyes turned red on the edges but i told him it was ok and mommy was fine and then he was ok!! such a sweet kid!! so of course i said i'd take him to lunch...where you might donald's of course. isn't that every kids favorite? and i had voiced concerns about his eating, so what does he do, but eat all of his chicken nuggets!! we wanted to play on the toys but they were locked because it rained last night and i thought we might have a melt down over it, but he composed himself, and said "we can come play tomorrow, not today, but tomorrow". and, since it's proud mom day, he also counted cats in a book and counted to 8 all by himself!! he can get to 10 if he wants to and occassionally with a little help, 15!! so smart this kid is!! simply amazing!

My Mom

i have mentioned in previous posts, that my mom has some significant health issues occurring right now. osteoporosis is only one of them, and a serious situation. she told me on monday, that she thought she may have cracked or broken a rib when she bumped into the corner of the counter top at home the other day. there is a sharp corner there and she had some bruising and a whole lot of tenderness. she saw the endocrinologist at ku med monday and he told her that they could x-ray it and it probably would show a broken rib, but since there isn't anything they can really do for it, it seemed like a waste of money. so she went on and then tuesday, things got worse, so she went to see the nurse practitioner at her primary care dr's office since he was out. they did an x-ray and said that one of her ribs is broken right in half. easy to see, and definately painful, but since the dr was gone, not official. they called today....she actually has 3 broken ribs, not just 1. they are trying to get her started on an injection form of medication that is very expensive and insurance fights covering, but she can't take the oral medications because she has severe esophagitis and if the medication got stuck in her throat as so many do, it could cause pretty serious damage. so until they can get it approved she just has to wait. they did decide to go ahead and start her on 50,000 iu of calcium but no one in emporia carries this amount so they had to order it in before she could start it. she's so scared to even move for fear of breaking other bones. what a mess!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


it's true!! i have a job!! i kept forgetting to post about the outcome of my interview with the boys and girls club. i was not offerred that job and from what i have heard since then, it's a good thing for me! so i went yesterday and put my application in at a jewelry store called "diamonds by design". i had seen an ad for a part time person several weeks ago, but that was the same time as the boys and girls club so i put it off. then it was advertised again this weekend so i went there and put my application in yesterday morning. they called me yesterday at lunch time and set up an interview for today and basically hired me on the spot! the down sides are that the pay isn't nearly what it was for the boys and girls club, and they are open on saturday's which takes away from my time with chris and caden, but truthfully, not many part-time jobs that can be as flexible as i need them to be, aren't open on saturdays. so, we'll have to plan things a little better as far as trips and weekend fun. so that part stinks. but the up sides are many in my book!! first--i love jewelry so messing with diamonds and other jewels all day sounds like a great deal of fun!! they also make their own jewelry so a lot of what they do for their clients involves designing a piece based on their desires, lifestyle, and personality so it's not like other jewelry stores where you pounce on the person when they come in the store, which is good, because that kind of thing i wouldn't be good at. they are willing to be very flexible with my school schedule and i'll be able to get in more hours this summer by working some in the topeka store also. a couple days a week at that would be ok. i interview at the topeka store on tuesday. and the biggest thing.....IT'S A PAYCHECK!! and that i desperately need. so, all in all, i'm happy. i wish chris were more excited, but he really doesn't like the thought of me working saturdays at all. i think part of that is because he's afraid it will cut in on his fishing time!! in the summer, he usually fishes 1 day and spends the other with us, so if he can't go on sat, he'll want to go on sunday and then we wouldn't see each other at all!! but she tells me that they are looking to change the saturday hours to only 10-2 and that wouldn't be so bad. and i know he thinks i'll want to spend all my money there, and i'm sure i will want to, but i won't. i don't know what kind of discount employees receive yet, but i'm not looking to get anything new anytime soon. maybe for graduation??!! but that's a year from now so until then, it's just a paycheck! i actually work friday and saturday already!! jess is going to keep caden because chris has to work this saturday also so it'll work out! wish me luck!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Upcoming Birthday

so hard to believe that in just 9 days (march 29), my miracle baby boy will be 3 years old. it seems like just yesterday that we called everyone to say that he was coming on that monday and everyone waited all day and night in the waiting room at the hospital for news of his arrival. and here we are getting ready to celebrate his 3rd birthday. hardly seems possible. this year, we are returning to the location of his 1st birthday party, (a local park) and the differences in how he is able to interact and play this time around are tremendous. we are always both celebrating and grieving his ever changing and constant development. in many ways, things are so much easier now, but as he grows and becomes more independent, he feels less like a baby and that i do not appreciate! i'm adding a couple of pictures to see how he has changed in the last 2 years. the first picture is caden on march 29, 2005, his exact 1 year birthday. the second picture was taken just a couple of weeks ago. there are not words to express fully just how much i love him and how lucky i feel to be his mommy.

Magic Monday

i sure missed my little monster this weekend so we decided that since mommy is on spring break, caden should at least get to stay home today as well. we have had fun but boy i am a tired cookie today! i woke him up at 7:30--yes you read that right, I woke him up, because i thought he was breathing kind of funny and whimpering so i needed to see if it stopped when he was awake. it did so then i of course tried to convince him to go back to sleep but he wasn't having anything to do with that!! so we have played, and watched a movie, and played some more! he is such a joy and he makes me laugh so much! so, we've stayed in our pj's and just been hanging out. he's not going to my parent's house tonight like usual because they had her appt with a osteoporosis specialist at ku med this afternoon. looking forward to what they have to say. she thinks she may have at least bruised, if not broken, a rib running into the counter downstairs so they really do need to get her started on some kind of regimen! tonight--nothing too exciting going on either. just hanging out with my husband and my baby, but tomorrow tammi asked me to go to topeka with her to pick out some spring/summer clothes so how can a girl turn that down??

Sunday, March 18, 2007

St. Patrick's Day weekend

WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND!!! We had so much fun in Kansas City this weekend. Friday we arrived around 5pm at our hotel on the plaza and got things unloaded before going to dinner at the fabulous Figlio's. It's truly the best italinan food i have yet to find anywhere. there we 7 of us for dinner--my jess, nursing girls jessie, megan, ashley, justine, tammi, and i. then we were off to find a target and a liquor store. after some little bit of difficulty we located a target and got supplies. then, i stuffed 4 girls in my back seat and we were off!! we decided to stay in the hotel friday night and just hang out. meg and ash did go to the hotel hot tub and saw some disturbing should-have-been-private sexual activity there, so they came back to the room, after nearly being assaulted by 3 guys in the elevator! we laughed so hard all night long and called it a night about 3am i think. jess, tammi, and i slept in the king bed and justine, ashley, and megan shared the sofa bed. pretty comfortable night other than the early morning trash truck and then our sink dripping enough all night that it overflowed and was a bit surprising when you walked through the door way to hit the bathroom!! ashley took off at 9am and the rest of us got ready for the parade which we missed!! we didn't finish getting ready until noon and it started at 11 so we decided just to go eat and then go and shop. meg wanted us to go to the cheesecake factory and yes, the cheesecake is TO DIE FOR!! the food was great, company even better!! tammi headed back to emporia after lunch. the rest of us took off for our shopping day. tammi, however, got a little turned around and spent a hour or so just trying to get out of the plaza!!! i have done that too and it is SO frustrating!! she finally got different directions and went out by KU Med center where a girl was going psycho in the street and the rescue men were chasing her and eventually tackled her, but not before she came and ran into tammi's car while the traffic was stopped!! she said that she was sure it was the leprechaun's talking to her! we went to this new shopping district called "the legends". i had never been there and am really unfamiliar with this part of kc so it was a challenge finding our way there, and a much bigger challenge finding our way home!! the exit we needed was closed and you know detours are lots of fun anywhere, but they are especially helpful in DOWNTOWN kc!! WE WERE LOST FOR 2 HOURS!! i was so frustrated so by the time we got back to our hotel and we only had 2 hours for 4 girls (2 of which needed showers) to get ready for dinner and our night out! the hotel bar was absolutely packed with very loud and very drunk people and we could hear the same guy yelling even when we were in our room on the 11th floor!!! we decided to go to a restaurant megan called "baja 500" and my friend julie met us there. it's actually called "baja 600" but it will be forever 500 to me!! again, very good food. after several drinks we hailed a cab to take us to the beaumont club. of course, they block off many roads near the westport district for st. patrick's day so we couldn't get that close by car and 2 of my dear friends were wearing tube tops so they were a wee bit chilly!! we walked the 3 blocks to the club and initally, i was not pleased. it was playing only country music and it was extremely crowded and dirty but justine found us a fabulous place to people watch and we had a ball!! they played lots of different kinds of music and we laughed so hard watching these very drunken fools!! we never even went to the dance floor we just stayed up top watching!! they have an electric bull that you can ride too, but we steered clear of that for this trip. megan and justine managed to try to get into a couple of fights with men--but it all worked out in the end!! this one dumb guy had stepped right in front of megan and i on our way up the stairs and wouldn't move so justine decided that he deserved to have a tiny bit of beer spit on his head!! jess and i heard her talking about it, but soon, this fool who should not be allowed to drink was yelling at us, all of which we couldn't hear a word he actually climbed up on a table to get closer to us...there were 2 guys on both sides of us watching and were ready to step in, anyway--jess and i were saying that no one spit on him when low and behold, justine did!!! i thought i was going to die laughing!! then he told me that me, justine, and megan were "hoes" so i simply said that my life would forever be changed by his view of us!! what a mess. jess and i kept a close eye on him though because we both felt that if he had the chance, he might not be done with justine who almost poured her beer on his head because he was going to spit in her face!! we also had a great time watching the "wedding guy" who clearly was not dancing with this wedding date, and this messed up fat girl who thought that she was very sexy whew.....alcohol does trick the brain!! we decided to head back to the hotel at 1:45am and as we were getting ready to walk out, this guy at the table behind us grabbed my arm and said "hey, my friend here thinks you are cute" to which i replied, "thank you. so does my husband" and i said goodbye to his friend. my favorite part of the weekend came next though...we flagged down a mini-van cab for the ride home. the other 3 were in the back and i was in the front as there was only 1 bench seat in the van since the other had been removed. so we start going and the cabby is on his phone with his friend talking in a language that we can't understand and he goes a few feet before he suddenly slams on his brakes and i feel this "bam" on the back of my seat as my darling and lovely megan is thrown from her seat and hits the back of mine!! i thought i was going to pee my pants!!! she didn't really get hurt but she immediately started saying (the entire way home) "sir, sir, my knee is really hurt. i'm serious, i think my knee is messed up, i may need to go to the hospital" and on and on and on!! during all of this, he put his phone down and forgot until i kindly reminded him that his friend was on the phone!! i really thought i might die and we practically carried megan into the hotel for effect. she said she was trying to get our ride free and was "taking one for the team"....we all barely made it to the lobby bathroom before wetting ourselves!! we stayed up until 3am again, finishing off the drinks in our room and doing fun things to megan when she went to sleep. we laughed so hard that today, our voices are all pretty iffy!! yes, we got many pictures!! some on meg's camera that will be a surprise to her when she develops her shots!! we got back to town about 3pm and i watched the kansas jayhawks kick some kentucky fanny and took a nap with my little boy!! i missed him so much!! jess was going home to sleep too and she's not yet taking my calls so i'm guessing she is out for the night!! it truly was so fun!! jess actually said that she hadn't had that much fun since before her mom had been diagnosed with cancer! i'm so glad she went and she really hit it off with my school friends. as i expected and predicted they loved her!! we all decided that we are definately going to do this again in the future!! embassy suites will never be the same!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

what a day!!

as you know, yesterday was our 1st clinical day at the VA in topeka. it sure was an early and long day!! left town at 5:45am and returned at 5:15pm. it was interesting. another student and i were placed in the "acute care" ward which means basically that people are admitted during their crisis and are stabilized here. they are then sent to another more long term mh facility or stabilized enough to return to their home environment, wherever that may be. as you can imagine in a military hospital, there are many people experiencing post-traummatic stress and depression, but we also talked with those detoxing from alcohol/drugs, obsessive compulsive, schizophrenic, and schizoaffective inflicted people. very interesting day. one of the 1st things that happened was that there is a patient that for some reason, just runs everywhere. kind of stooped over and shuffling-feet running. well, there is a whole ward meeting every morning where clients are able to request that their privileges be expanded etc. well, this pt was a few minutes late and came running in wearing only a shirt and depends diaper! they were quickly escorted to finish getting dressed. there was another individual who is experiencing extremely severe obsessive-compulsive disorder who gets stopped in mid stride and becomes so fixated on completing the rituals that alleviates the anxiety they feel, that they almost go into a catatonic type trance. this patient will stop in the middle of whatever they are doing and just be stuck until finally they take a few steps backward and start again. and they will answer appropriately whatever you ask them during this trance too! very interesting. most were very nice individuals. we sat in on a couple of "team meetings" where the patient, dr's, and social workers meet and discuss how things are going and what needs changed. we had the opportunity to witness an intake admission where the individual was not being truthful and was confronted on this behavior. how things changed then. there was no more talking and no more interview!! after lunch, we got to go to recreational therapy where we played 'sorry' and 'uno' with some patients. a pretty fun but long day for sure! my whole group and instructor were walking down a hallway when we ran into a couple of patients who shouted "oh my...look there they go wearing their cloaks of importance" which i thought was funny. another student said to me "they seemed nice" so i had to tell her that i didn't think that was a compliment!! how funny!! i'm pretty comfortable (at least so far) in this environment and in dealing with these people but for the most part my peers are not. they get very anxious and scared and some even had nightmares the night before. so, i think this rotation will do a lot for their understanding that the mentally ill are people and have feelings and needs just like everyone else. i am hoping that there will be less unhelpful fear and more understanding, and that they are able to distinguish the difference between when they really should listen to their own fear and instincts about personal safety, and that sometimes, it's not needed. so i got home a little after 5pm and hadn't been feeling very well all day so i laid down for a few minutes before joining chris and caden at the park across the street where they had been flying caden's kite and swinging. when caden saw me, i could hear him yelling "mommy" from clear across the park!! the sweetest sound! we went to dinner and the store and when we got home i crashed!! thank heavens for daddy!! i actually went to sleep around 9 i think!!
i had my interview with the boys and girls club this morning. she only had concerns about my schedule which is also my concern along with having too many responsibilities for a part time job. i would be responsible for the programming of the school along with hiring and firing of staff. this summer would be monday-friday 7:30-5:30 which is a little more than i wanted to work but it would be really fun i think. and she said that i could bring caden some days like friday's is swimming day so he could definately come then and wednesday they do "brown bag concert series" so he come then too. that would be nice. it would also help me with my dieting this summer!! i'd be taking my lunch everyday and be doing a lot of exercise playing with the kids!! and i'd probably be pretty darn tan from being outside so much!! so we'll see. she had 2 more interviews today and said she was hoping to make a decision by tomorrow so she'd call me either way! i like that quick turn-around!
looking very forward to my weekend!! we're leaving tomorrow around 3pm!! so, that's what i know!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


had a great day yesterday. beautiful weather and blue, blue skies. we didn't officially have class, but we were required to attend a biofeedback session. kind of nice actually. i may do that again since i can't afford massages every week to ease away my stress! i also weighed in and lost another 2.5lbs. so that's about 5.5 so far. i can certainly live with that. i was very pleased actually because i ate like the devil last friday (all day) and then had 2 slices of pizza at macy's birthday party sat night. i'm not weighing in again until next friday.
i have an interview tomorrow morning with the boys and girls club. i'm very excited but the tiniest bit hesitant out of concern that they may be trying to put too much on the unit directors plate within the amount of time that i would be working. nothing new about that really. seems like that is true everywhere so we'll just have to see. i do hope it works out though (i think!!).
we're headed off to the VA in topeka in about 15 minutes for our first day of our clinical rotation. it'll be a long day but i'm looking forward to it. gotta run!! have a great day!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Relaxing weekend

another nice weekend for the books. friday afternoon we had the baby shower that started a bit behind schedule, and i spent some time with heather and jess that evening. saturday, i got to sleep in since chris and caden and papa tom had plans for the pancake feed but i refused to attend (thanks to my diet). chris got some fishing in before leaving for my niece macy's birthday party. it was bowling party and i think caden decided after 2 rolls that he didn't really want to bowl! so we hung out and had pizza and got home around 8pm or so. today was a quiet day and an EXCEPTIONAL KU Jayhawk basketball game! what fun to watch! and chris played in a basketball game this evening. caden and i went to watch with some of the other wives and kids and guess what??!! chris almost got into a fight with another player! i, of course am extremely helpful during the pushing of one another, by standing up on the bleachers yelling "chris, chris, chris" you know, trying to bring him back to reality and maybe a little of "your son is watching and learning", but i won't tell him that. so when the game was over, he came over and said that despite the fact that the score was 30-60 (our guys on the losing end) they were throwing elbows and he was just tired of the elbows! well, that's understandable but still!!! of course, it really stinks when every 3 min the opposing team has enough players to substitute out THE ENTIRE TEAM and our one and only sub left before the half rolled around!! it was a good time and a nice evening to get out of the house for just a short time and not have to spend any money! works out good!
tomorrow morning, i am applying for a job at the boys and girls club. it's part time, just a couple of days after school during the week and then it would move to 3-4 full days for the summer. just perfect i think. i'm hoping it works out!! so wish me luck!!
i'm looking very much forward to this weekend coming up. it's my "girls weekend" in kansas city. there are about 10 of us girls, some nursing students and some not, that rented a big suite on the plaza in kc for the weekend. it'll be a very fun time and i am so so happy that my jess is going too! it'll be great for us both to get out of town for the weekend!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

long time

sorry--it's been a while since i've posted. i don't even have any good excuses actually! just lazy i suppose. been a good week. i no longer have classes on tuesday and friday's so i'm starting the job hunt for something part time for now and summer. i was very excited to see a want ad for a "part time unit director" at the boys and girls club here in town! so i called and am picking up the application on monday morning!! she said that it is for a couple of days 3:30-6:30 from now until school is out and then 3-4 full days per week this summer. sounds perfect to me! we'll see if it works out.
had leslie's (from my old work) baby shower today at jess's house. it was nice but it was scheduled for 3pm and no one, I MEAN NO ONE, arrived until 3:30!! who does that?! jess and i were just amazed but we laughed a lot and had a fun time. mom got to come after physical therapy and it was nice for her to be able to see everyone since she's working in the basement now instead of with all the girls. i hung out with jess and heather tonight for a while and had a nice time.
on wednesday, we went and visited the VA hospital where we'll be doing our clinicals for the next 8 weeks. we didn't get to see any of the actual units, just how to get to the various places. it'll be a fun experience i think.
tomorrow chris and caden are meeting grandpa tom at the annual kiwani's pancake feed at 7 in the morning and then in the afternoon we get to go to my niece, macy's bowling party in eureka! i always love seeing my in-laws and caden sure liked bowling last weekend so it should be a fun time! that's about what i know for now!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

A Nice Saturday

what a nice weekend i've had so far. friday night, i hung out at jess's house and worked on re-sizing the bracelets i had made for some of my family as christmas gifts so when i see them next weekend, they should be ready to go! we had a nice diet compliant dinner with a few alcoholic beverages and a ton of laughs! my mother in law arrived last night too and was still awake when i arrived home so we visited briefly before turning in for the night. i got to spend the morning and part of the afternoon with her. and her watch that i fixed several times last night (thanks jess for making that possible LOL ) fit just right! i'm sure it would have been too small if jess hadn't knocked it clear out of my hand and off the table just as i was finishing it and caused the beads to fly off and roll across the table so i had to start over!! it was a very good laugh though. she even peed herself a little! i love it when that happens! anyway--i sincerely mean it when i say that i love my mother in law. i'm not sure what it is exactly about her, but she just makes me feel peaceful. so i was sad to see her go.
we did go to one of caden's friend's 4th birthday party this afternoon. it was a bowling party and to my surprise, caden actually bowled! he loved it....he really loved the bowling shoes because they were a little bit slippery and he was being so silly!! he even got a strike (with daddy's help and a little help from the bumpers). then grandpa tom called and reminded me that we had dinner plans! so we met up with him at 6:30. poor tired caden fell asleep on the way out to his place and slept on grandpa's coat on the floor of the restaurant all the way through dinner. that bowling and partying is sure hard work on such a sweet little boy! grandpa tom wanted to have caden help him roll coins for fun, but he was too spent so we just came on home. fun for another day! chris and i rented a movie (the departed) that we are hoping to watch tonight also.
checked on miss jessie a little bit ago to see how the quitting smoking thing is going. other than she said she is eating everything in sight, she's ok! she said she doesn't think she'll gain too much weight back though because she can't afford to go back to the grocery store!! i told her that i thought she should go ahead and take today and tomorrow to eat what she finds helpful and then get back on the weight watchers wagon on monday. i promised to lend emotional support throughout the night and even tie her to her bed as restraints should it become necessary! i truly am the best friend!!! caden's watching curious george so chris and i are off to watch our movie!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007


so, i've spent some time doing one of my favorite relaxing things...sitting in the dark and listening to music very loudly...lucky for chris and caden i figured out how to download some songs to my mp3 player!! i'm feeling much better and much more in control. i will do this and i will NEVER, hear me.....NEVER be this size again. i'm determined, motivated, and a little pissed that it has taken me this long to suck it up and get on it. after all, it's my own stupid fault that i'm still makes me angry though that i can't be one of those tiny little things that never gains a freaking pound. but that's really not ever going to change so it's up to me! i'll be stronger when it's over....i'll grow stronger everyday along the way too. every day, every moment that i make good choices is really another battle won and that's bound to build you up! it's a strange feeling really, to at moments feel so strong and committed and at the same time to feel right on the edge...pushes in the right direction will take me far! i'm ready to live life as a small person again and forever (except of course when i'm pregnant again)! i'm very much enjoying working out and i intend to keep it up and add to my current plan actually. so, here we go on the upswing....this week might be heck to make it through but it will all be worth it when i go and weigh in on tuesday i know it!! and it'll be so worth it to feel good about my physical self again and to feel proud when i walk into a room rather than like hiding. so...that's it!!

hard times

so, i started my new diet. i feel like i'm going crazy even though i know that if i can just make it through this 1st week (and i will) then i'll be ok. i've done very well. i had a moment of panic, really panic, when i was trying to go to sleep last night and felt like i had to have something to eat. not to eat really as much as i needed a taste in my mouth and i didn't want to drink any pop so in my desperation i tried chris and caden's juice that i previously thought was pretty bad...funny how things can change so much so quickly when you are withholding so much. it did the trick actually and i was able to go to sleep without eating. i know it sounds crazy but anyone who has really experienced the issues i have and tried to get rid of the weight pretty drastically, knows what i am talking about. i am proud of 2 days i have only had 8 diet pops....that might sound like a lot to some of you but i was drinking probably 10 a day...that might be a little much but you get the picture. it's a HUGE switch. i also drank 7 bottles of water yesterday and 4 so far today. i don't drink water. unless i'm really working out or at water aerobics last night which was CRAZY!! it was a great workout. we had our italian dinner at school today but instead of putting myself in a position that i might have a lot of trouble controlling, i opted to come home and have my shake. i have felt very much on the verge of tears all day and a little nuts~! i'll get through it though. anyway-got homework to get done so i can call it a night.