Sunday, February 4, 2007

lazy weekend

what i had hoped to be a lazy weekend, turned out to be a little less. had a very long dinner with my parents on friday night (terrible service), and then my mom had another set back that took us to the emergency dept on saturday for several hours. where she was dealing with her right hand that didn't seem to work, her left hand has now followed suit. we've got to be missing something....just can't seem to get it figured out. any ideas? had our monthly brunch with our extended family and that was quite fun actually! much more so than normal as a matter of fact! the rest of our day we spent working on remodeling our basement and basement bathroom. and of course watching the superbowl! YEA COLTS!! haven't talked much to my jess though and i'm feeling a little withdrawl! i try to give her a bit more space when heather is in town. hope she is feeling better! so, no homework done yet but i'm not feeling too well so i'm headed to my comfy bed!! hope you had a great weekend!


Clickin Mama J said...

I miss you too! See you tomorrow at water aerobics.

Anonymous said...

Famous words "This too shall pass"
Love you